"Faith is coming along nicely | Page 3 | SouthernPaddler.com

"Faith is coming along nicely


Well-Known Member

As Jack said , Good onya , When you find the right one keep her , I met my wife just after she had turned 16 , a week after I took her out for the first time I told her I was going to marry her , she laughed and said wasn't I supposed to ask her to marry me instead of just telling her I was going to marry her ? I said yeah but over the week I'd discovered that when ever I asked her about something she would either not be able to make up her mind or argue about it , so my way was better , about that time she belted me in the shoulder , but she did it with a smile , we've been together 29 years this year and this year we will have our 26 wedding anniversary

You look much better with out the hair , I had long hair once for about a year and hated it , too bloody hot , and too bloody hard to find the ticks after a day in the scrub , had short hair ever since , hell the way I cut my hair makes the marines look like hippies

David W


Justin, you are never too young to learn that the only proper reply is a humble "Yes, Dear.." :lol:

Swampy, How did you manage to win one?

Dave, She's put up with me for 40 years this March, Married 37in July.

It would appear we all share a common attitude toward life and loyalty.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I know what you are saying ...... when the wife and I were dating she knew me really well in fact she called me a SOB and deliver a solid round house punch...(see how well she knew me) ... Just a little while later we were married and for the last 40 years she has been getting even with me in her own way.

Ever since then I do all of the cooking, I do like to eat, and she burnt the instant potatoes when we got back from the honeymoon.. :oops: ....... Now days I do the laundry, cooking, dishes and anything else she can think of. Poor ole gal she is still working .....YES , I love it. Got all day at home with pups and some quiet time.

Now you know why I like to go paddling and camping ..... it is a vacation for me and the time I do that is when she is going to be home on her vacation.

Never said I was stupid ... :roll: ... just a slow learner, but getting smarter everyday. After all it has only taken me 40 years for me to wise up.

I finally figured out she burnt those potatoes on purpose, she hates to cook but likes to eat.
I would not trade or change any of those years ... they were fun and looking forward to many more.......... out camping. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
BB...... listen.... if the wife is going to read what ya post stay on the guest list.... :lol: :lol: :lol: ( we all know why :wink: )

37 years here.... I retired and she went to work... nuff said.... :roll: :lol:

Well, I definatly plan on marrying her, I honestly dont believe in getting into a serious relationship unless you can see yourlsef with that person for the rest of your life, otherwise your just setting yourself up for hurt. Anyways, she can make me smile even on my darkest days, and after a year and a half of being best friends and over six months of being more than firends we have never once had a fight/argument. I guess the fact that we are going to be together forever is just another thing I have "faith" in. :wink:

Say, Matt has anyone built the cape fear 14' that we talked about forever?


Well-Known Member
despotic931 said:
Well, I definatly plan on marrying her, I honestly dont believe in getting into a serious relationship unless you can see yourlsef with that person for the rest of your life, otherwise your just setting yourself up for hurt. Anyways, she can make me smile even on my darkest days, and after a year and a half of being best friends and over six months of being more than firends we have never once had a fight/argument. I guess the fact that we are going to be together forever is just another thing I have "faith" in. :wink:

Say, Matt has anyone built the cape fear 14' that we talked about forever?

Matt's bit of relationship advice: Both of you finish your schooling and get careers at least started before setting a wedding date. Trust me, it's a good idea.

And nope, no one has built the CF 14 yet. Sold a bunch of sit on top plans and a CF12 to a customer is Athens, Greece.


Friend Justin,

Trust yer heart, but Matt give ya some good advice too. This ole world aint kind ta folks who #1 dont have no college papers 'er #2 aint good with tools.

I know more folks who got rich frum tools than frum Shakespeare.

Well, there iz different ways ta be rich. :wink:


bodine a&m

College isn't the place to go for ideas. Hellen Keller


no we arnt getting married until we are out of school, and no date is set, we were jokeing the other day about how it could be six years until we are married.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
justin forgot to log in said:
no we arnt getting married until we are out of school, and no date is set, we were jokeing the other day about how it could be six years until we are married. that's how all those "talks" begin Justin.... stay on course and you both will arrive safe and sound.... my kids taught me that :wink: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Wasola, Missouri
My belief is if you can find a pretty woman that will put up with ya, then marry her lickedy split. :p

Trust me I've had 6 of them. 8)

Just joking :D :D :D

Sounds like you two have a grip on life,,,,Good Luck

Just plain ole FeebleMinded


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I am just a little partial to the seats Uncle John has on his web site since I am the creator of them. :D

They are very comfortable, easy to make and have a lot of uses besides just as a seat in the boat. They can be used as a camp chair, stadium chair, beach chair (but you have to near a beach) fishing chair, a chair for the in-laws or outlaws, depending on how you look at them or get along with them.

I was suggesting to Uncle John that he might suggest using the webbing (like on a beach chair) as an alternate to the wood slats. We are still kicking that idea around.

The Graphite and epoxy mix is good for the bottom of a boat and it does offer a slick surface and protection form the bottom gougers hidden under the surface or the water.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I agree with everything Chuck said.

Original post was 11 Mar 05. This post script on 20 Apr 05, after I'd had time to think over the brash statement above. I wish to qualify it. I kinda liked what the Olde Farte had said, and he’d been sorta blue the last few days, so I thought that just for posterity’s sake, I’d go along with him.

And, I’m glad I did. He felt much better for it and came out of his funk. Then, I felt better too because I’m such a noble character, helping out the disadvantaged, and all such things. I got an extra star pasted to my chart for that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Yeah, moment of weakness. I'm over it now, thanks.

( I checked with the doctors and they said Jack should be back to his normal self really soon .. what ever normal is for him ..... I don't even want to go there.
Chuck. )

Jack impolitely interrupting Chuck's message: Look three messages up, you'll see my "normal".