Karen........... | SouthernPaddler.com



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Just received this email from Bears brother Jim , deleted his narrative at the bottom but here is what happening.

Bill just called. They were in Jackson for a routine checkup and found recurrence of aneurysmal dilation of a vessel at the site of her previous rupture. They're going to Jackson in the morning for surgery, probably a wire coil operation again, and will be in the ICU again for about 5 days.

Though this is no walk in the park, and they were warned of possible stoke consequences to the procedure, I am confident it will go well, and ... they have no choice.

Bill said to email you all, and I'll return email tomorrow afternoon to report on the status. I suspect after that things will go well. At least, we hope. We can all be thankful that a) they found it before it ruptured.

Jim :-(

PS. Will keep you updated as the information arrives.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
They say the Big Guy don't give us any more than we can handle......I believe this is about enough for Br'r Bear. :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Howdy Boys,

Got a bottle of Ole Deja Vu? I do. This stuff haz begun ta wear me down, but it iz lookin' good now. The doc found anuther aneurysm rite next ta where the ole one busted loose. There wuz a danger that Miz Bear mite have ta lose a whole artery....'n mebbe have a stroke cuz of it, but the doc jest tole me he put 18 coils in the aneurysm. Sez "that sucker aint gonna bust loose now". Took him over two hours.

Miz Bear iz upstairs waitin' on the sleepin' dope ta wear off. I hope ta be the one ta tell her the doc sez we kin go home tomorrow. I figger she oughta stick with the weed eater fer a few days......she aint ate nuthin' since midnite 'n I need ta git the feed bag out before she gits back on the job.

regards 'n thanks


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I jest left her in the Neuro ICU. They put her in the same corner room with a nice view of the flag (American), woods 'n sky. She dont recall much frum before, but I sho do. I wont ever fergit the wee hours of Jan. 23 when they left me with her 'n the breathin' machine so I'd see that she didnt make the trip.

When I left she wuz all smiles....even sez she mite drive home tomorrow. Then she tole me ta be sho ta boost off the cellularized phone, ta put some eye drops in my eyes, ta eat the free La Quinta breakfast, ta....well, ya'll git that pichur...back ta normal. :wink:

The ICU nurses been talkin' bout us most of the afternoon. We seen a heap a ole friends. When shift change come, we seen more pals frum before. I reckon they dont see folks come in round 3 pm 'n plan ta head out the next day. More'n a few eyebrows went up over that, but Scott aint no surgeon. He iz a radiologist. He caint check her out tomorrow. A brain surgeon gotta sign off on it. Dr. Lewis will be there 'n he iz the one who tole her she had ta git out last time....cuz the ICU iz fer folks in a real bad way.

Jest before supper, Scott dropped by 'n sez he figgers he got her head fixed up fer good this time. Sez ta come back fer a check in 6 months. Tole me ta take a sip of fine whiskey 'n call him if that dont take the edge off my last few days. We mite have ta put him on staff at the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic. 8)

Next time I talk ta ya'll, I reckon I'll be settin' in our bedroom lookin' out at the rabbits, owls, birds 'n Miz Bear's flowers.


ps I seen Prayin' Pamela Fuentes outside the critical care waitin' room. Back in January I figgered she wuz a nun, but found out later she aint.....jest looks like one. I went up 'n give her a hug. She sez "where iz that $5 ya promised?" I tole her jest ta put it on my tab. I tole her how we had come back, soared with the eagles, landed in the mud, washed ourselves off 'n wuz back on the road agin. I tole her that even tho the tuff part wuz over, I'd put anuther $5 on my tab if she wanted ta come by 'n do some more prayin'. She laughed, but danged if she didnt come by later.

Sometimes the light's all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
what a long strange trip it's been
Robert Hunter


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Lordy Jack, dont give her no more ideas. I already gotta let her fill my pickup with gear on ever trip. I leave most of it in the truck, but I dont tell her. Eazier'n arguin' with her 'er a fence post.


My husband and I divorced over religious differences...he thought he was God, and I didn't. unknown [Mebbe Gator Mac's first wife?]