Kin ya brag on a plastic boat? |

Kin ya brag on a plastic boat?




My computer crashes 'n burns near bout ever year 'er so. I git somebody ta scan my pichurs 'n then they are gone, but not forgot. However Docter Jimmy Clyde saved two 'er three 'n sent 'em back over agin. [He's on the Shade Tree staff.....ever now 'n then.]

How kin ya put yer pichurs in here so ya'll kin see some fine plastic? Even got some plastic runnin' long the edge too. If the Atkins diet had done what they sez I would still be paddlin' the Impulse.




Well-Known Member
Go ahead and brag on your plastic. It doesn't matter what you paddle. Just as long as you paddle.

Check out webshots for showing off your boat. I would love to see some of that white water you speak about. :D

Mr Aktins has helped me drop almost 20lbs since Christmas. Jogging and bike riding helps too.


Friend Pirogue,

Thanks. Aint sho what a "webshot" iz. These pichurs shows the falls on the Nantahala, which aint all that hard ta git over....cept fer gittin' down ta it without a boat fulla water. I never could keep the water under the boat once a heap a water got in it. If ya'll still headed up that way in July, ya mite wanna take a look.

I reckon ya figgered that since I been ta the Bodine School I know all bout computers 'n Mister Gore's web. Eazy ta see why ya mite think that way, but it jest aint true. Theres one a two more thangs I dont know much about. :wink:



P.S. I went back ta walkin' near bout ever day. Tryin' a new exercise fer my arms too.....pushin' away frum the table. :)


Well-Known Member
Just click that dubya, dubya, dubya button at the bottom of my post and it will take you to that special section of the web that Mr Gore set aside for us John Q Publics to post our own pictures.

And we have our reservations for North Carolina for July and it looks like 4 of us are going to do some rafting down the Nanhatala River.

I can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
Birmingham, Alabama
Pirogue said:
I will check it tonight from home.

The geeks up in IT have us blocked from the webhosting sites.

Hey! I resemble that comment! You don't work for BellSouth do you? My brethen geeks have me blocked too.


Well-Known Member
You know I never could work out the attraction with white water , it's just so damn awkward , your lure keeps getting tangled or snagged and it makes it bloody hard to drink your beer , don't think it will catch on all that much around here

David W


Friend Swampy,

Once upon a time I seen a fella run it standin' up usin' a pole with hiz dog in the front. Yep, standin' up. I reckon he done it jest fer the tourists....'n me.

I got two more pichurs of my "big 'n tall fella" plastic boat, but there iz geezer settin' in it.

I jest tried ta add anuther pichur, but I dont figger it took. I dont think it made it there. Dang computers. Mebbe when Pirogue gits ta work?



P.S. Dave, a heap a fellas fly fish on that river. I always try ta move away frum 'em cuz I dont wanna hear no lyin'. :wink:



Dontcha hate it when yer computer gits ta lyin'. I tried ta do jest like Pirogue sez 'n put on anuther pichur of the red fat man boat. Computer sez I caint cuz a proxy 'er cookies enabled. I know ya'll seen that kinda stuff before.

Well, I tried twice, then give up. I jest tried agin 'n lo 'n behold it warnt angry bout cookies 'n proxies, but now I got two pichurs a the same ole geezer tryin' ta keep the water under the red plastic boat.

Soon az I git time I'll go back 'n try ta put the last pichur up.

Pirogue, last year the power company folk figgered they'd release a bit more water in the Nantahala. It makes it jest a bit harder fer a canoe, but I bet it made it more fun fer the rafters.

Listen ta the safety talk. They lost anuther teenager frum a raft last July. [Its mitey hard ta tell a teenager bout safety.] I doubt ya'll kin flip a raft on the Nantahala.....less ya work at it really hard, but I seen a heap a folks fall out.....mostly in the falls. It usually happens ta the fella settin' in the back.

If ya git throwd out, git yer feet up where ya kin see yer toes 'n look downsream. Git ta swimmin' fer the eazy bank. A heap folks try ta stand up in the fast movin' water. Dont. A heap a folks act kinda stunned 'n dont try ta swim. Dont.

Sometimes they got fellas with ropes ta chunk at the folks who go fer a swim. I even throwed one myownself once upon a time. They wuz havin' the Russians, Japs, Aussies, Canucks, Brits 'n more fer the Big Time Whitewater Competin'. Russians had some goatskin rafts that wuz quite a hoot. Anyhow, I throwed the safety rope at one poor fella, but it hung up in them poles they hang out above the river when they git ta racin'. He looked mitey surprised az he went on down the river.

Reckon thats all of the safety talk.




Friend Kayak Jack,

I usedta be in the Anti-Polish Defamatin' League. They kicked me out cuz ever time they'd give examples a them Polish jokes that warnt funny at all....I got ta laughin'.




Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Bro Bar... yer right on thar wit the safety. Jest read an article on the New River in West Verginny... they have 5-6 drowning per year! Mostly on the lower setctions... reason? The swimers git caught up wit thar feet into th rockz! That frum bein frum draggin them behind... not in front of em...
Spring time is high water time... and that also means "quicker" flows!!! then toss in the strainers and such.... GOT to be careful out ther and as Bro Jack haz expounded,"Read the river" !!!!!!



Friend Swampy,

There iz so many tall tales bout drowned paddlers. I wuz readin' the America Whitewater forum 'n seen the annual tally with names, dates, age, river, craft 'n cause of drownin'.

Someday when I git my expedishun book finished, theres a chapter bout that day we wuz on the Nantahala when the British fella got hiz foot caught in the falls. It wuz mitey sad day.

They lost a fella on the Chattooga last year too. Seein' the box scores iz mitey cold 'n hard.....kinda like life.

Go here:

then click on "Community", then "Forum", then look at the following posts:


If that aint enuff drownin' fer ya, try 407. I paddled the French Broad 'n I done some flood stage paddlin', so that one iz a mitey hard tale.



P.S. Sho iz a lotta folks tryin' that Darwin Award.