Rudders? | Page 2 |



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Jack,

If you look at the piccie mate, the hole at the top of the rudder blade is to take a cord that runs to a clam cleat near the cockpit.

Simple matter to raise the rudder when needed by simply pulling the cord and jamming it in the cleat to hold it up. (where it will be most of the time)

When needed, just unjam the cord from the cleat and the rudder will drop into position. :D

I like things simple :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
I like the K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) method also Mick. It's gotton me this far, which is not saying much. I also use the T.L.A.R. (that looks about right) quite a bit!.
I bet the rudder is going to work great judging by your past rigging on your boats.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Thanks guys,

Got a little done today and a few piccies. I think it is going to work out OK.

I think the right thing to do will be to start a thread on Matt's forum. After all, it is his boat. will post a link to the thread shortly.

Dave, mate, My IT skills are not up to posting drawings etc. You are welcome to come down and check it out any time you like.

Re specific measurements - no problem. :D Just ask what you need back channel. This is all guessametric to me at this stage. :lol: :oops: