worthless evil doers | SouthernPaddler.com

worthless evil doers


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
This aint my hard time. It iz the one of my 85 year old Mother 'n my brother Philip. Cept fer the horror Mom iz okay. Philip haz broken ribs 'n arm/shoulder pains.

On Feb. 26, round 5:30 p.m. brother Jim called ta tell that our Mother had been robbed by a evil doer with a knife. When someone tells ya that yer Mother haz been robbed like that, thinkin' clear aint eazy....trust me. He wuz jest drivin' inta the town where she lives so he didnt know the whole tale.....sez when he checked things out there he will let me know if I needed ta drive over.....very calm, like he had been ta the Bodine College of Medicine. I hung up, give some thought ta what I jest heard 'n tole Miz Bear ta gather up some stuff. We hit the road.

Jim tole me brother Philip wuz there too 'n somethin' bout shootin' at the evil doer. Yer mind goes inta overdrive when ya hear a thing like that. I had no idea what wuz comin'. It iz only 18 miles, but it seemed ta take forever ta drive it. Bout 4-5 miles outside town we seen the ambulance comin' with a deputy followin' close behind, headed ta the hospital. Miz Bear 'n me wondered if it wuz Mother 'er my brother....mebbe the evil doer?

Az I drove inta the driveway, like a thousand times before, there wuz a heap a cars, includin' one frum the high sheriff department. This deputy had been off duty, bout ta head out with hiz family fer cafe vittles when he heard the radio talk. He called in 'n sez it wuz "family".....so he wuz on the way. [He aint really "blood kin", but he iz like family.]

Even with all the truble in the air, I felt calm drivin' back inta the center of our world. Buddy 'n Ellen come up with a kind word, a hug 'n a warnin' that Philip wuz in worse shape than Mother. I seen Philip in the carport talkin' ta somebody. Frum a distance he seemed okay. Az I walked closer, I noticed one arm wuz hangin' kinda limp 'n he seemed ta be hurtin' purty bad whenever he moved. Hiz t-shirt wuz tore 'n he wuz in a state of mind I caint explain cuz I never been where he had jest been. The deputy sez it wuz the adrenalin that done it too him.

I seen Jim in the background 'n we made some quick eyeball talk. He wuz already on the job.....settlin' folks down, checkin' fer injuries, sweepin' up glass where the evil doer busted out a window 'n sawin' some wood ta patch it. I seen Mother in the den with other family 'n friends. She seemed okay on the outside. I seen the deputy, neighbors, well wishers 'n some family. I sized it up 'n wuz glad Mom wuz okay. I heard bits 'n pieces of the tale frum a dozen people.......made me more confused. I wuz listenin' ta Philip cuz he wuz tellin' the tale bout he got hurt.

Then the deputy took Mother inta the dining room, closed the door 'n pulled out a tape recorder ta git her tale. By that time I heard they had caught the evil doer. Made me feel good. This wuz jest a hour after the crime which iz dang good work anywhere. Mother tole how she come home frum playin' cards round 5 p.m. She drove inta the driveway 'n seen this beat up ole car next ta the carport with the trunk open. She seen a weed eater 'n other stuff stickin' outta the trunk, but wuz slow ta figger out what wuz happenin'.

Bout that time brother Philip had come ta the end of hiz levee walk 'n come up ta speak ta Mother. He seen the ole car 'n figgered she musta hired a fella ta work in the yard. She figgered the car belonged ta someone Philip sent over. They sez howdy ta each other, then hell come ta breakfast.

back in a little while......


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

I have been avidly reading your posts - back channel about this terrible thing, but haven't had the time to adequately reply.

My blood is freaking boiling, but at the same time, feel a sense of relief that you Mum is OK as is and gratitude for Philips courage and quick thinking in a dire time of need.

The evil doer you are refering to is a maggot in the classic sense and deserves to be put down.

What happend to your property after the event is at least as dispicable as the event itself, but I would very respectfully suggest caution and a very cool head with how you handle that one.

Thought and prayers are with you and yours at this awfull time mate. Please be careful and try not to stress Mz Bear too much.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
A knife wielding evil doer come out the door, grabbed Philip's shirt, held a knife ta hiz throat 'n tole 'em ta come inside. Not much of a choice at that point. Philip didn't have a weapon on him.  The fella shoved Mother round 'n knocked her down. He had a big pile of my Dad's ole clothes on the floor. He talked real ugly 'n tole 'em ta give him all their cash.  Philip give him $80, but Mother sez she dont keep much cash in the house.  There wuz some scufflin' tween Philip 'n the crook. He seen rite off he would have ta kill Philip if he aimed ta harm Mother. I dont figger he wuz lookin' fer that.

After more threats ta kill Philip, Mother sez she had some cash in her bedroom. They all went there. She had two $20s 'n five $1s (fer the collectin' plate at church). When Mother wuz lookin' thru the drawer fulla papers ta come up with the money, the fella let loose of Philip 'n turnt hiz back on him fer jest a second. Philip seen this big pot, the kind ya put plants inside. He reached fer it ta knock the fella in the head, but when he grabbed it, he seen it wuz plastic. Bad luck....kinda like grabbin' a gun, pullin' the trigger 'n a flag come out the end with "bang" on it. After Philip done that, the robber went kinda crazy mad....sez "ya aimed ta hit me with that". Then he come at Philip with the knife. They rolled over the bed 'n fought all over the bedroom. Philip sez the fella wuz real strong, it wuz all he could do jest keepin' that knife away.

After the tusslin' stopped the fella tole Philip ta grab a load of my Dad's ole clothes 'n help him tote 'em ta the car. Philip picked up a arm load. He threatened ta kill Philip one more time when the back door stuck like it often does. When they got outside Philip threw the clothes down 'n set off runnin' ta the neighbors. He run in, tole 'em ta call the law 'n asked fer a gun. After cuttin' thru a heap a dang plastic ties that had locked the unloaded guns up safe 'n sound, he took a 20 ga. shotgun 'n headed back ta Mother. Just az he reached the front yard, he seen some fella drivin' down the road. He flagged him down. Then he heard tires burnin' rubber. The evil doer drove rite out inta the yard toward Philip. He stepped behind a tree 'n fired....blew the passenger window out, but the fella kept drivin'. He got away, but the fella Philip waived down followed him, callin' the law on hiz cellularized telephone.

The evil doer drove awful fast....way too fast fer a narrow, curvy, blacktop road. He made it bout half a mile 'n crashed in a ditch. The evil doer jumped out of the car, run ta the levee (bout 75-100 yards) 'n went over it inta the woods. The fella didnt shoot him, jest followed 'n tole the law where he went. He jumped inta the river, but the law won agin. The deputy who left hiz family ta come help us wuz the one who caught him.

Walkin' round the house I seen my Dad's shotgun wuz gone, so wuz hiz 38 special. He had them az long az I kin recall. So wuz my Dad. He died in 2005, but hiz ashes wuz in the closet. Someday we will mix their ashes....altho this wuz a close call. A deputy back at the prison sez he would get the ashes frum the car 'n put it inside one of the offices til I come out the next mornin'. Mother wuz doin' okay til she seen the ashes wuz gone. I wuz glad ta give her a hug 'n tell her I already had 'em safe 'n sound in the sheriff's office. [We knew they had been stolen, but never tole her.]

After this evil doer robbed us 'n wrecked hiz car (mebbe stolen, had no tag on it, but a Tunica county tag wuz in the trunk) some of what he stole didnt make it back. The shotgun 'n the pistol disappeared. The evil doer didnt have 'em when he took off on foot. The law sez they walked the road fer quite a ways back frum the crash lookin' ta see if he chunked anythin' out the window. When I got ta the prison with the deputy ta make the inventory.....so I kin take our stuff back home, the car wuz unlocked, keys in it....passenger window blowed out. Five 'er six convicts wuz settin' round killin' time. It wuz rainin' hard outside. A deputy wuz inside an office.

Bein' robbed by a evil doer iz bad. Bein' robbed twice in one day wuz jest salt in the wound.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Philip haz broken ribs, but hiz arms seem ta be better the last two days. He got two of them velcro back braces round hiz chest. [He has ta wear one when hiz back acts up.]

The evil doer wuz Terry Faust.  Back around 1980 Terry shot J.D. Simpson point blank, in the head. J.D. wuz a high school football referee, drove the ambulance, had a small laundry 'n folks paid their gas bills ta him....folks with no bank accounts who paid cash money. Terry robbed J.D. then fired hiz pistol at hiz head frum a foot away. The angle made the bullet glance off. Terry tried agin, but this time hiz gun jammed. After that we all kidded J.D. that shootin' him in the head wuz the one place where nobody kin hurt him.

Terry got 40 years at Parchman Farm. Ever time he come up fer parole the high sheriff 'n J.D.'s family begged 'em ta keep him locked up. He served out hiz whole time 'n got out bout a year ago. Terry iz 49 now 'n behind bars now where I hope he stays. Jest so happens the grand jury meets Monday 'n they worked extra hard on the statements 'n such so the D.A. kin introduce anuther jury ta Terry. TV news sez kidnappin', aggravated assault 'n armed robbery iz on the menu fer Terry.

If Philip had not dropped by at that exact moment in time, my Mother likely would not be here tonight.


Well-Known Member

Real sorry to hear about this , hope your mum is okay and Philip too , so often the real damage these assaults do only surface days or even weeks later

Glad to hear it come out as good as it did , it could so easily have been much much worse , there is a lot to be said for capitol punishment , I was just talking about that to some one last week , they were against it as they reckon it's not really a deterrent , my argument is that it may not be but it does stop repeat offenders ,

Is a concealed carry licence available in your state ?

Hope Philip and your Mum recover from it with out major disruption to their lives , so often that sort of thing make it hard for people to continue living in their own houses



Well-Known Member
im glad everyone is a live, wish phillip could have gotten another shot, just to cause a lot of pain and glad the evil doer is in Mississippi. if he gets out again send him to Texas, they want let hem have another shot. later keith


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA

I've been thinking about this since last night when I first read it. What a horrible thing to have happen.

I wish you and your family the very best as they recover from the shock of the event.

What really sticks in my mind is how many points there were in this story where your brother could have just given up. No one could have blamed him. Sometimes you just lose the fight. Anyone who has been in more than one or two fights knows it is bound to happen.

Your brother never gave up. Not even when a lot of people would have called themselves beat.

That says quite a bit about the man.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

I thank all ya'll. This haz got me down some, cuz my Mother 'n Philip gotta live with some very bad memories frum now on. When I think of what that hour musta been like, it hurts 'n makes me madder'n I ever been in this life. I caint imagine how they felt then 'er will feel frum now on. This all happened in our home. Nobody ever lived there but us. My Dad took hiz last breath in that bedroom. This wuz the place where we all felt safe....where evil aint supposed ta come sneakin' in. Yer supposed ta hear bout that kinda stuff happenin' somewhere else, ta somebody else.

We all knew it wuz possible.....at least some part of us did.

thanks fer yer concern 'n yer outrage

You can't run away from truble.  There aint no place that far.  Uncle Remus


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Br'r Bear,
I know exactly how your mom and brother feel, and it will be a long, long time before they get over it. Your mother will probably handle it better,and sooner. Women seem to, somehow, set horror to one side, and ignore it. It's not forgotten, just ignored.
It looks to me like your brother did everything right, when the excrement had every advantage. Brave man, tough man, thinking man.
I don't know how to quantify it, but I, and probably every man on this forum, probably everyone over 25 years old,has seen a young teen, that we KNEW would hurt someone badly someday.
They inevitably end up in prison or dead. It's just a matter of time, and how many people get hurt or killed. I sort of feel sorry for them, but not sorry enough not to hope they stay behind bars until they take their last breath.
I have known but a very few habitually violent teens and twenty somethings, that changed before they spent time behind bars.
A minescule number don't like it, and determine not to do what got them in jail.
The rest find they kind of like jail, and they like to be known as violent. They genuinely believe they are above working, and they genuinely believe the world owes them everything they want. All they have to do is take it.
To clarify myself, there's a whale of a difference between teen aged street fighters trying each other out, and some punk busting a cap one someone he's just robbed, or someone that hurts the defenseless , just to be hurting someone.
I could really get rolling on this subject, but I shan't.
Your Mother and brother are on my prayer list for awhile.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Friend Bearridge,

I'm sorry your family has had to endure this tragedy. The bright side is no one got killed and the worthless slime got caught. It looks like he could spend the rest of his life in prison. I certainly hope so, anyway.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Thanks Mike.

Some good news. We found the shotgun. Philip took it ta hiz house a while back. I tole him "welcome ta geezerhood".

Someone outside the levee claims ta have seen a fella with a pistol bout the time Terry jumped in the river ta hide. Philip wants to search the river along the bank, but it iz danged cold now 'n hiz ribs dont let him do too much. It feels better that some bystander, wrecker boys 'er convicts at the prison didnt pilfer the guns.

Word I got wuz they indicted Terry today fer kidnapping, two armed robberies 'n one aggravated assault.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Whilst me'n the High Sheriff wuz on a odyssey ta the Brazos River, Terry plead guilty. Miz Bear sez he got 40 years with no parole, but I dont trust the prisons....most of 'em iz run by the convicts. I hope he dont breathe no more free man air. Only good thing I got fer him iz the fact that if they had a trial, it wuz set fer April 15. I had planned ta be on the Buffalo River that day. I wuz gwine ta cancel the trip 'n hang round the courthouse if he wanted a trial. I kept lookin' fer the local online news of it (ta post it here), but the news folks moved on ta more interestin' stuff.

Terry wuz 49 'n been in prison since he wuz 25 'er so. If he iz 89 when he gits out, he likely wont be tryin' ta kill nobody.


At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless.  Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats.  P. J. O'Rourke


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Plumbing into a human mind can be a scary thing. Why, in god's name, would anyone want to act like that? Why do people molest and torture kids? It is so out of my world that I just cannot understand it.

Stealing to eat, coveting a neighbor's attractive wife, cheating at cards for beer - I can wrap my mind round these. Cruelty to innocents is beyond comprehension.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
That's well put. Some people just ain't right, or close to it.

I suspect that some are born bent and some get messed up by their parents and some are some of both. Doggon shame, but by the time they reach adulthood there does not seem to be anything anyone can do for them but put them away or put them down.

I am not a big fan of capitol punishment except in the most clear and obvious cases - too much chance of we the people making unforgivable mistakes. But I sure do believe there are people that need to be caged indefinitely.

That's the problem, though. We seem to let these guys out when there is no sensible reason to think that they are any better than when they went in.
