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Hammock advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
Whatever fly come with my Safari Deluxe worked swell.....cept I had ta drop it down when the wind kicked it up a notch. We had a hoodoochie, but it stayed dry.

Looked to me like you had the Hex Fly and not the standard one that comes with the hammock if you don't say anything.


I agree , the standard rain flys are OK if you want them on top of you , for comfort you need a better one that offers a lot more protection. Especially if you are like me and sometimes camp in a blowing rain.

Lazyriver guy , set his hammock up under a 16 x 20 tarp and he even had the rain fly on the hammock. :D His campsite was nice and dry and everything in it , including three visitors when that storm , rain and wind hit us. It was one nice sanctuary during the storm as the temperature dropped along with a lot of rain.
Heck I even sat there and cooked me up some Beef flavored Ramen on the little alcohol stove as the storm raged on , talk about comfort. :D



Oct 23, 2008
My 2c..I have the HH Expedition w/4 season add on..and at 6'..210...for most of my camping the HH works well but when I go to the mts. and use my XPed mattress in the winter it is to small..I was pointed
to the War Bonnet Blackbird as a solution for a bigger
doubler layer assym. hammock like the HH Expedition. The HH has served me well for yrs..and being able to lay flat is essential for me..the 4 season add on works but not for me in extreme cold conditions..So after talking to a few people on the hammock forum and looking at the videos..plus talking to Brandon of War Bonnet I have a Blackbird ordered and hopefully it will arrive before Mt.Rogers in January..


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
We had a heap a Carolina fellas join up over the last few months, so ya'll mite not know we heard bout a hammock gatherin' near the French Broad.....northwest of Asheville. Any of ya'll ever been? Sounds like a Dutch Oven gatherin'. :wink:


Oct 23, 2008
I haven't attended any in the NC yet..but my camping/fishing buddies and I have a couple trips planned for 2009..not sure of destinations yet..that depends on the streams in the western part of the state..we like to catch trout...They attended a hang last year w/Ed Speer and his group...I was not able to attend as I was in Frisco, NC camping/fishing...so many places to go and see...trying to fit them in between honeydo's is my main problem..



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
That fly jest comes with the Safari Deluxe.

I guess that Tom has enlarged the regular rain fly , yours is a lot larger then the one that came with mine back in the dark ages.
If memory serves me correctly yours had two tie downs (one on each side) which would be the normal fly , the Hex fly has two tie downs on each side , 4 total.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
O Master of Flowbizness,

Yer memory never wuz good. Mine haz two tie downs on each side. The fly dont hook ta the top line like on everbody elses' Hennessey. I got a image. Gotta make sho the Joneses keep tryin' ta keep up with me. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

sideways bound

Never try to reason the prejudice out of a man. It was not reasoned into him, and cannot be reasoned out. Sydney Smith


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
O Master of Flowbizness,

Yer memory never wuz good. Mine haz two tie downs on each side. The fly dont hook ta the top line like on everbody elses' Hennessey.

sideways bound

Then Tom sent you the HEX FLY , Yes my memory was the 1st thing that failed me .... Were you on the last river trip with me ? If so what do you look like or was that just a nightmare I had before going to bed.
Dam .. I need to stop drinking the spirits. :lol:

Who was that stranger asking about the Sweet Sue Chicken and Dumplings when I was cooking them for Mac and myself while having a conversation with Paddlin'Gator that one night. ??????????

Ya know the nut in the shorts when it was colder out there then a witches ...... Ti&&y ..... at supper time. :wink:

Only thing I do remember ( in vivid detail ) is that Mississippi Lawyer sleeping in a hammock behind me and arguing case law during the night.
Folks Bear does not SNORE.... He argues case law at night when sleeping and strongly argues it. I am sure I heard the Judge slam the gavel down several times , that night.

OK ... No more Gator Aid for me before bed time. :wink:

Almost as bad as someone paddling with a Santa Hat on , the red an white one with the tassel on the top , well he could fit down a chimney while the rest of us would not be able to.

Guess he felt safe , if he got stuck then we had that southern lawyer ( retarted ) to make sure he was ejected back on to the roof , hot air does wounders. NASA .. Needs to try it on the next launch. :roll:

I'm in some deep chit ..... now.


Well-Known Member
Well the new hammock arrived yesterday and I just put it up this morning , looks good , feels good , very comfortable , the rain fly is a bloody ripper , big bugger , I notice that the safari deluxe doesn't have the fly tensioners , is this normal or just on mine ?



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
dawallace45 said:
Well the new hammock arrived yesterday and I just put it up this morning , looks good , feels good , very comfortable , the rain fly is a bloody ripper , big bugger , I notice that the safari deluxe doesn't have the fly tensioners , is this normal or just on mine ?


On the last trip , I noticed that Bears new one did not have the tensors ( grabbers on the main line ) like my older one has. The rain fly is a separate (unattached ) item on the new ones. I guess it is called progress. :lol:
The old ones the rain fly was either on the main line and adjusted or tied off separately depending on how you wanted to do it.

The sides lines of the rain fly are separate and have to be staked out or tied off depending on where you ( the height ) want or desire to have them.
Trust me , on the bigger rain fly that is one advantage , you adjust it to what the weather dictates and stay comfortable. Down to direct the wind and rain away or up with the center line as a sun shade and breeze catcher.
Better yet , the storm side down and the leeward side up , or almost up , for the best of both worlds.



Well-Known Member

Thanks , will have to use it a few times to decide if I like this idea better than the tensioner , the tensioner was one of the ideas I really liked on the Expedition ,

I should be getting lots of chances to try it out this year , after my last trip to Longreach I've decided that I'm going to try and do things a little different this year , there hasn't been too many camping , paddling or fishing trips this last year , I've been too engrossed in projects around the house and also with building my brothers house to get in enough of the things that make it all worth while , it's my fault , my schedule is self imposed and in reality I can take time off for fishing and paddling any time I want , but when I start a project all I can think of is getting it done so I can see the finished result , but because I'm not as fit and agile as I used to be and also because my back is getting worse all the time , also my own fault according to my doctors , they reckon I don't take enough time for any thing to heal , I seem to be having way too much down time where all I can do is lay flat on my back and take pain killers and muscle relaxants and that just isn't productive in any way ,

I haven't picked up a paddle or shot my bow for about three months at doctors orders , he reckoned that three months was the minimum needed to let the damaged tendon in my shoulder , finger and wrist heal ,

When my wife isn't here I tend to start work at 6.00am and work through until 7.00pm only stopping for a half hour lunch break , this year I'm going to start work at 6.00 am but knock off at 1.00pm and do things like a little afternoon fishing , a little paddling or maybe making up some new lures or such or maybe just shoot my bows but what ever , hell or high water I'm going to put aside one full day a week just for fishing , I'm going to work smarter , use machinery where I can instead of just dead lifting as I do now .

It all sort of come to a head last week , went out to Longreach last week with my wife , Tuesday morning I went out mates property , had a yarn and a cup of tea and talked about wild pigs , rifles and such , I said I'd have a drive around some of the dams and check for pig sign , seeing as how it was a bit warm [ about 110*f ] we thought the pigs would be laid up in the shade close to water , just before I went to head off I asked the mate what he was going to do that day , he said that he was going to load up some bails of wool and take them into town , I asked if he had any one to help him and he said no , so I offered to help , probably not the best idea I had as I'd put my back out bad the week before and was only just back off the painkillers the day before , I felt my back slip as I climbed up into the cab of his truck to go around to the shearing shed , I felt it pop properly when I pulled the first bail out of the stack with my wool hook , I was able to finish loading all 27 bails but by the time I was finished I was hurting and was only able to check one dam for pig sign on the way out and even then was stiffening up and it was hard for me to get out and open the gates , got back to the motel and took 5 minutes to get out of the car , got into the shower and then on to the bed and that was pretty much where I stayed until Friday morning when we drove home , as I was laying there for those days I realized that I'd only had one day in the last 4 weeks where I could bend down to put my trousers and under pants on like a normal person and not use a long handled hook like I normally do , that was sort of a wake up call


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

Chuck's suggestion of rigging the rain fly low on the storm side and high on the lee side is the way I normally do mine. Sometimes, as a storm passes through, the wind changes. So I cheat a bit.

Rig the high side propped up on paddles or sticks, hang a couple of water bottles (full of water) on the edge of the fly. If it gets rainy or windy just kick out the paddles and the fly will drop. I guess a guy could rig a line to the paddles, run them into the hammock, and pull them from inside too, if he was a crafty, lazy, old coot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That tensioner for the rain fly is nothing more then a line and a "S" hook on the end of it.
It could be taken off the Explorer and put on your new hammock. The line holding it is only looped around the ridge line (which it slides along to the desired tension ). I think it is held on with what is called a clove hitch ,not sure about the terminology of it. :lol: It's where a line is doubled and then slipped over the main line and the lose end is passed threw it.
