I have a camping project to work on , making deposits | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

I have a camping project to work on , making deposits


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I dont need no chair...yet, but I enjoyed the Commodore's chair. Unnecessary? Yep....but the Commodore iz a top drawer geezer. Him'n Ray tote a big, heavy metal table jest fer comfort too. Sometimes Ole Sparkey shocks me, but it will be the biggest yet if he tops that dookie throne. It will be hard ta make one that weighs az little 'n dont take up no more room in a canoe. Mebbe a plastic seat instead of a plywood? Mebbe some thin, high dollar plywood....soaked in peanut butter 'n jelly? What a quest! He needs sponsors. I got a dollar 'n a can of sausages frum Vienna. [grin]

Good luck Chuck!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Woaaaaaah.....that bucket will fill up fast. We aint lookin' ta haul turds downriver.....'er does it have a big hole in the bottom? It dont matter.....that dont come close ta the Commodore's seat. Sorry. Come give it a try 'n yer bound ta see the difference.


Woodrow Call: How do I know you won't start missin' your wife after about five miles and decide to quit?
Po Campo: My wife is in hell; where I sent her. She could make good biscuits, but her behavior was terrible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
friend Keith and I use the 5 gallon bucket like shown in Piper's link - only with a wooden seat

you dump it - into a hole if you want - and rinse it out after each use

anybody upset with that obviously never had any kids or had to change poopie diapers....


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I aint upset, jest prefer ta poop in a hole, then cover it up. Dumpin' dookie, then washin' poop outta some bucket aint eazy. So far, the Commodore iz on top in my book. Next?



Well-Known Member
So, this is what we have digressed into. . . Grown men talkin' 'bout S%#^. . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And leaving it behind. . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
chuck, when we get this latrine thing all figured out, lets talk about showers!!
(after 4-5 days in the swamp a couple of the guys really needed a shower......you decide which guys)


No problem on the showers , for some reason it always rains when I go camping with the guys , must be there mojo that causes that. If it is one of those rare times when it does not rain we have a nice clear river or springs to jump in and splash around.

Bill Logan had one of the Solar Showers on one trip and it does provide a nice hot water shower. We used it even though we were camping on the Santa Fe River just down from the Ichetucknee River ( both spring fed) and just up from the junction of the Suwannee River.
Just fill the thing with river water , hang it from a tree branch , in the sun light , for a spell and then enjoy a hot shower.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
My experience with solar showers wasn't all that exciting. even one with temperature indicators didn't cut the mustard. And, a little difference in temperature can make a LOT of difference in comfort in a shower.

In the final analysis, I'll use either baby wipes (98% of the time) or a couple bowls of warm water, one for soap and one for rise water. Kneel on a closed cell foam pad and wash. Stand up and get dressed before stepping off into sand or pine needles.

And, Piper San, both Joey and I were polite and didn't mention your BO while in camp. I'm surprised that you admit to it now. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
My experience with solar showers wasn't all that exciting. even one with temperature indicators didn't cut the mustard. And, a little difference in temperature can make a LOT of difference in comfort in a shower.

Ha ,Ha ,Ha .... All you need is some of this southern sun to do the trick for a good hot shower. I have to admit the shower was a lot nice then taking a dip in that 70 degree spring water , especially when the ambient temperature is around 90.

I found , like you did , that the baby wipes are a nice substitute when in a tent , before hitting the sack. The lanolin ones help against a sun burn.
On that 12 day Everglades run , I don't want to bath with sharks when there is a nice , soft , comforting rain to wash off in. When it did rain ( 12 days and 11 1/2 days was rain :lol: ) the roof of a chickee funnels the water off , just right , and makes a nice shower. All good fresh water , no salt in it to make you feel sticky.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Steve said:
Chuck, is what your thinking along the line of your Uncle John's Seat, just modified for, how should we say it. . . . reliief?

Thinking about it but if is a low as it should be then a lot of us would need a hydraulic hoist to get off it , some to even get on it. I can hear the bell ringing while they lower away , ding , ding , ding , ding , ding ...... Then a small explosion and a quick , almost panic , response from the operator of get him off there and do you have your gas mask on????????.

Some things are better done in private without outside help and preferably down wind. :lol: Now like those skinny models that everyone likes :roll: , some long legs on it might make it feasible.

I knew this would be an interesting topic...... :lol: