R U up for a A NEW TIN BOX OVEN CHALLENGE ? | SouthernPaddler.com



Well-Known Member
I was kicking a one gallon alchohol can out of the way today. You know the kind, like Coleman fuel comes in. We use lots of spirit , alchohol, stove fuel , in the violin shop and several times a year we have empty gallon cans.

I have used a couple to make really neat pellet gun traps. They work very well.

Now, here's the challenge:

Using a one gallon can, make a stove....or cooker.....or camp oven. A million possibilities here. I suppose a guy could make one from the lower half that uses two pop can stoves. Or, a twig burner with a chimney. Or, a biscuit oven for camp that uses a pop can stove.......

There you go guys. I hope some of you dive into this one and have fun. I'm looking forward to some HOT ideas.


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

If it is galvanized, then, start a nice hot fire in it, and walk away for the burn-down. Or, sit out in a high wind and burn it off with a propane torch.

If you make the gallon can into a base unit, holding a couple small pots and running a couple of pop can stoves then you'll probably never oxydize the zinc anyway.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

I wuz tryin' ta figger out how ta put a Zip Stove inside one. Still tryin' ta come up with a idea. How long do we have?


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

The contest ends when we are all out of ideas.

A commercial Zip stove or a homebuilt with a fan? I wonder if you could get a fellow paddler, maybe someone who plays pipes, to blow up your air mattress and then connect that to the Zip stove and then you wouldn't have to carry batteries. Of course bagpipers are heavier than most batteries......and you have to listen to them whine till the coffee is done in the morning.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Friend piper,

I use AA batteries in my mini mag lite 'n my Zip. I go years before I gotta git some new ones. That dont bother me one bit. Bein' able ta turn the stove down 'er up on high iz what counts. Alcohol jest burns up fast.....good fer boilin' water, but not much fer cookin'. I never seen nobody show pichurs of any real cookin' on a Budweiser, Trangia 'er other alcohol stove. Coffee dont count. [grin]

Now that iron pot looked like real cookin'....cuz ya kin make it hot, medium 'er simmer....like a Viking gas stove. I hope somebody comes up with a stove idea that iz good fer somethin' besides boilin' water. What if ya put a Coleman inside? [chuckle]


How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid?  It must be education that does it.  Alexandre Dumas


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

They are 'TINNED" with something. I have had one out in the weather for six months, using it for a pellet trap. it is a bit rusty in spots, but is still fairly bright. It appears to be the same sort of "tinning" that is found on old kitchen stuff Hmm. Better safe than sorry, i suppose.

There are some good can stoves with real flame control, home made designs. See the MINIBULLDESIGNS entries on YouTube. He has several with side air intakes and a sliding ring that limits the air. At least i think it was him....maybe someone else.

I think these gallon cans might make good burners, but I really think they'd make good, wide, solid potstands for other stoves.

The last time out i used my trangia for a big pot of rice and veggies from scratch. Does that qualify as cooking? my trangia came with a simmer ring. I lost it long ago as it never really turned the stove down much.

I'm still thinking about a one gallon biscuit oven, maybe for use on a camp fire grill (if your buddy remembers to bring his). Hot biscuits, small Pita pizzas, blueberry muffins.......lots of possibilities.


Jimmy W

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
north georgia, USA
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

You could make a wooden box and cut down the alcohol can to fit into the top as the fire pan and make a small cajun microwave. It might be big enough for a chicken or two and pass Bear's test for real cooking.

Cajun Microwave


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

I don't generally boil chicken. I boil owl. Never boil sea gull or pelican.

OK.......baked chicken, on a spirit stove. This could happen.

I'm looking for something to use as fiberglass wicks for spirit burners, they will last longer than cotton wicks. I have fiberglass wicks for some Tiki Torches, but they are too large a diameter. Looking for something smaller, like 1/8" dia.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

hey piper,

how big of an owl does it take to get a mouthful of meat?

last one i had my hands on didn;t have as much meat as one of chuck's viennas


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Seedtick, if you end up with a couple tablespoons of meat and then serve it on a fancy square plate with exotic vegetables that are about half cooked and dribble some sauce made of mangos and coffee and chocolate and $65 wine cooked down and mixed with sweet cream butter, and top it with a slice of sugar cane heart (like one of those fancy a$$ chefs on the food channel do) then it's pretty good and you can expect it would be a $45 helping on Magazine St in New Orleans.

Or, you can just nibble at it right off the bone. You have to boil it for a while or the mouse flavor comes through.

Save one wing to fan the fire with.

More meat on a crow, but I've eaten way too much crow in my life. Probably not done yet, either.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Jimmy W said:
Cajun Microwave

How does this thing work? Food inside the box on top of that wire grill? Box top on w/ charcoal fire in it? Radiant heat coming down from heated lid to cook food inside box?

What's your plan on this one? I know you have it figured out in our head, but you turned your face away and I can't see through your ears from here.

Jimmy W

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
north georgia, USA
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Kayak Jack said:

How does this thing work? Food inside the box on top of that wire grill? Box top on w/ charcoal fire in it? Radiant heat coming down from heated lid to cook food inside box?
You figured it out exactly. Box is 'posed to hold in steam and keep food tender. Never actually tried one myself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

all the ones that i've seen had the wooden box lined with stainless steel or aluminum - courtesy of the local chemical plant or refinery - to make clean up easy.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Neat, kind of an upside down BBQ. I followed the written description. The first video had a nervous cameraman who jiggled round so damned bad I couldn't see squat.