R U up for a A NEW TIN BOX OVEN CHALLENGE ? | Page 3 | SouthernPaddler.com



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Ok, here's another one. Take one empty 1 gal fuel can. Lay can on it's side. Purchase one new Coleman Dual Fuel double burner stove and set it atop empty can. Perfect. Just the right height for effecient cooking. Try it. It really makes a difference. :roll:




Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

jest checkin'.....

I dont see no good stove idea yet....but ya'll dont give up.....the hihackin' iz dang good [chuckle

Oh, Oh, Oh, Can I play here too? haven't done a good threadjack in a while. :p

Nup, I got no new ideas, we don't even have the coleman gallon cans. What do they look like?

Jimmy W

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
north georgia, USA
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Mick, They look like this, but when this was started it was alcohol cans which look about the same.

I just found this use for them. But it could be Boat Science for all that I know.
“Apparently there's a new trend to do full blown methamphetamine cooks in Coleman camp fuel cans. If you see a large Coleman fuel can and it looks suspicious for any reason, don't pick it up and move it. These things are obviously under a lot of pressure and can explode. Call local law enforcement.

Hairy here. Thanks mate. I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of deleting part of your quote. Mate this is the recipe for "speed" a very dangerous and illegal drug. Goodness knows there is enough of the chit being fed to our kids allready.

Mod Edited by hairymick.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Well, at least that wuz cookin'. lol It iz also reason not ta keep any cans layin' round. Nuthin' worse then a buncha methane heads sneakin' up in the dark, stealin' yer gas cans, garden hose, bird bath, hoe, etc. The stuff they steal makes ya wonder how they kin make ends meet. [frown]

keep up the brainstormin'

Man developed in Africa. He has not continued to do so there. P. J. O'Rourke


Sep 4, 2009
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Hi All,

try http://zenstoves.net/
try http://www.minibulldesigns.com Tinny a yankee woodsman, makes/sells various alky stoves. In his Vids he has made eggs and a cake. All untra light. He is in the central part of Maine I am on Long Island. We are not buddies but his vids are great.

also go to Utube and see various burners and well, you can make various sizes. Wick stoves are adjustable. Also Vent driven attentuation is a doable thing. I want to make one fer my Svea burner.

In the past week I have made a dozen eggs (ok ok boiled water), last night I made Rice, fergit ter watchit and I burned it a little. It was brown rice and was very tasty had carrots celery onion in it. Needed a bullion cube or stock or a termater.

In a pinch you can use 1/2 water and 1/2 jar Salsa. Duh Spanish rice (cooking?) Pace has 8 ounce jars, which are perfect. They are sealed storable and can be added to rice, or brown off a chix leg/thigh combo or two lay over rice add water and salsa. Many peole like Tex/mex I do not. I use a different recipe , but this is a reasonable one.

JUST DO NOT ADD SALT cause salsa is very salty and a bullion cube if used will make it edge of edible. Added salt would kill it. Across this great country many people, most even are used to too much salt.

Two ounces alcohol burned over 75 mins with a simmer ring after bring to a boil with the rice. I made and changed the simer ring 3 time to get it right. I am using a "SWEDISH ARMY SURPLUS ALCOHOL FUEL KIT" . You can get them from many places on line.

I also made 3 of my own from ZEN Alcohol Stoves. No matter which one you use open burners types or sealed pressurised ones they burn about the same, with air restriction you get a controlled flame, which cools the unit which burns fewer grams of fuel. They are real good if you make freeze dried foods your food of choice, or for coffee/tea. I am working on making simmer flames for more real food.

My kid woke up and he wants breakfast . We are attempting softboiled eggs in shells. The system I use cooks faster then a regular pot so we are experimenting to see how long it takes. . I neeed to change the wind screen and support so I can use round pots and then pans, for fried items. Eventually I want Chicken Caccitore and rice. I may need to get me one of them new fangled Cleman Cans /alky cans fer my stove body ! Oh BTW we have possum pie here on LI and every day about 20 mins AFTER rush hour the gulls come down to the LIE and Northern State parkway and eat them. The first time I hit one , boy was it hard to get out of the tire treads. . Jest watch out fer them rev-e-newers


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Welcome, Chipster. I'm guessing that you're a back packer primarily? I used Coleman single burner stoves for about 40 years, until they got parts made in China. Too many difficulties and high prices accompany their (now) poor performance. Now, I use a Svea.

I no longer back pack; bad knee. Paddling and flying are good for me.

Good luck to you.


Sep 4, 2009
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Hi ,

I am father of a Boy Scout. I love to eat and cook, and play with flamable things, (I have scars). I bought my alky stoves, since we can be hit with nasty storms here and all utilities can go kerfloink. So a way to at least boil water/soup/tea/coca is a wise thing.

These kits were perfect for the car/garage/hole in ground. Not for fear of invading armies, but just a storm that flattens the house. Upstate NY get hit bad as does most of coastal USA so a simple kit is great, weight isn't an issue. I have Coleman stuff and a single burner (1 pound bottle under burner head). White gas stoves are a nono in the house if it is still standing and the gas griill is verboten as well. The alky stove as you know is safe and pretty cool. Today we successfully made 3 perfect Softboiled eggs in shell and 1 hard boiled egg. Used toaster for toast fingers. I even went to church store and bought two egg cups!! Jumbo's don't sit right in a shot glass.

Last night it was rice, I will do plain rice again mayhaps today and then flavored rices again, after that. With a diff pot set, (see the trangia non militarty models), frying is option, so I want to make fried chix and fried rice. I have enough burners to make a 10 burner stove.

Tinny at minibull made fried eggs and baked a small cake, (used apple muffin mix I think), the cake easily make 4 people happy. This looked perfect. Did it all with an alky stove and "oven " made from two pieces of super thick foil, (turkey pans I think).

he suggests either
HEET, YELLOW BOTTLE ONLY,(pure methanol )
Airbrake Antifreeze (pure methanol perfection)
Go to a speed shop ask if they sell methanol by the gallon, then it is very very inexpensive (1/3 the price)

I am going to my kids Violin Shop where they make/repair and see if they can get me a deal on alcohol like was suggested here!

When My blog is up I will give url. I want to make real food. Pack stuff is all good, but trite. I want Coc au Vin and Chicken Caccitorre

And real pizza. I figure if I can make pear and apple pies ,(scratch), on my Weber gas Grill I will eventually do it on an alky stove and maybe the food on Scout trips will get better.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

I like to say campers are prepared for anything. :D

Down here in the land of Heat , Humidity and Hurricanes it is a three burner LP unit with a side burner out on the back porch , it is way to heavy to take camping. A backup for it is a two burner Coleman white gas. They are nice to have when the power is out for days and days.

Out camping , sometimes the Coleman ( if a lot of guys are going) but all the time a Trianga outfit and the Zip Stove as a back up. We also do a lot of cooking on a grill that is placed over the campfire , that is must for the steaks and the rest , even the coffee pot.
Some of the guys do a Hobo Soup on the grill , open the can up and leave the lid attached , set the can to the side of the heat and when bubbling grasp it ( carefully) by the lid and have supper. Nothing to clean up but the spoon. :lol:

You want to make a Pizza while camping , check out the Bakepacker http://www.bakepacker.com/ I have one and they are the nuts for making bread , especially some cornbread. You can cook just about anything in them within reason , it will not hold a 12 pound turkey but will take a couple of Cornish game hens. Plus all the cooking is done over a single burner stove.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE


I no longer go with the Boy Scouts. Used to teach merit badges for canoeing and backpacking. Here are a couple things I do.

Here's a twig stove that works nicely: http://www.littlbug.com/ Tell him Kayak Jack sent you.

I steam bake breads, calzones, and rice in camp. Get yourself a steamer basket at the supermarket. You have to look a bit and be choosy. You don't want one with legs that are riveted on and a center lift rod riveted in. You want one with legs that are spring clips that slip into slots on the bottom of the basket. Dispose of the spring clip gizmo that is the center lift. You want a flat, uninterrupted surface across the width of the steamer basket.

Rice: in a plastic food storage bag (even lighter weight than a ziploc bag works well) put 1/2 cup raw rice, 1 cup water, 1 tsp salt. In a pot, have 1" of water, & get it boiling. Set in the steamer basket, set the bag of rice & water onto it, fold over the top edges of hte bag. Put the lid on hte pot, turn down the heat to jsut maintain a boil, and steam the rice 30-35 minutes. Brown rice takes about 45 minutes.

I hafta go look up the cornbread recipe I use. will add it later.


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Getting back to page one, I emptied a gallon can today and began the oven. It will have a swing up door and one shelf, and run on almost any little camp stove or on a grill over a fire. Pics coming when i can rivet the hinges in.



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Roughly skimmed this thread.
one question Does it have to remain rectangular?


Well-Known Member
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Oz, no...guess not. It is just so damned convenient to have a tin box though. This one i have going will have a loose shelf inside, so it will pack full of food, or spices or whatever for paddling, and be a little dry oven when i want it to be. I don't know if it will bake biscuits yet, but I'll post pics of WHATEVER comes out of it.

Years ago, I bought an OLD OLD OLD stove top oven (with sheets of asbestos paper inside!!!) at a garage sale for $5.00 and got lots of use out of it before i had bad worries about the asbestos.

i just think that a real oven, that takes up virtually NO SPACE , would be a nice addition to most paddle campsites. Cherry Pie......Kentucky Bourbon Pecan Fudge Pie.......buttermilk biscuits.......PIZZA..........lots of possibilities there.

But, if you can start with a one gallon square can and end up with an oven in some other shape, go for it.



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Sorry I thought we were building a new stove not an oven
but thats ok
I've just been reading on wood gasification and thinkin
???????? what if?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

Piper San, when I looked at reflector ovens - which is what it sounds like you are building - I thought they were about 90% correct. They had all inside surfaces shiny to reflect. I see why the inside surfaces of the container should be shiny, but the shelf upon which food sits should not reflect. It should absorb heat, not reflect it. Its shelf should, in my estimation, be flat black.

Knowing you, you'll do both a shiny and a dark shelf, run tests, divide by the square root of the date, and report your results, conclusions, and recommendations. I await our elucidation.


Well-Known Member

Jack, a reflector oven would be fine but this will be a hot box. No reflector oven is going to get far on a pop can burner.

Ozark, using the word STOVE got some fellows to read the post. If I had said OVEN they never would have looked. And, i suppose it is a challenge for most stoves to heat up an oven so you can cook in it.



Sep 4, 2009
Re: If you have time: A NEW STOVE CHALLENGE

silly thought,

a stove is a device that holds pots over a heat source and an oven is an enclosed heated space, no?? I know I are beez challanged at times but that is the correct way of looking at this no? Cus people hold up an alky burner and call it a stove , but really the "pot stand" is the "stove" since any heat source below it determines the moniker alk/gas/wood, then stove.

Heck when you dry out possum strips in the dehydrator next to yur gator jerky , since it has a heat source, (unlike the manly, salted air dried possum), it could rightfully be called an oven.

but who cares. I wish I could find those cans to make one. I tried going to CHinese reataurants for a 5 gallon can, but they no longer ship oil in metal, just plastic. how sad :-( I wanted to make a jet stove from two of them, and they would make a nice single/double walled oven .

I finally made a reasonable simmer ring for my trangia (the Swdish Nato Army surplus thingie). The civilian one comes with a simmer device the military one does not. Foil doesn't cut it. I used mini pie tins and they are hard to shape and get size right .

I used a pot in a pot with a ceramic tile between the two I made a perfect corn bread then made two not perfect corn breads (single serving, good size for chubo like me). I used an oiled coffee filter for big cake pan liner. Will try again today or tommorrow, My son HATES when I experiment, he get to eat them. mmmmmm maybe that boy is on to something.
